Thursday, June 2, 2011

University High School ranks 5th in State

The College of Arts and Humanities is proud to announce

University High School ranks 36th in the Nation as best college prep high school

University High School has been ranked 36th nationally and 5th statewide by the Washington Post’s High School Challenge, which measures how effectively a high-school prepares its students for college.

U.S. News & World Report ranked UHS 36th in the nation as one of the best college prep high schools amongst 27,000 high schools.

In addition, University High School earned its fifth consecutive national championship in the Academic Decathlon for small high schools. This year’s team won by the widest margin and all of its participants medaled individually.

For details on the Washington Post’s High School Challenge, go to

Congratulations UHS!

José A. Díaz, DMA
Associate Dean & Interim Director for Center for Creativity and the Arts
College of Arts and Humanities
California State University Fresno