Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Ethics of Reading the Bible

Fall 2009 Ethics Center Lecture Series

Date: December 2, 2009
Time: 7 PM - 8 PM
Place: Alice Peters Auditorium, University Business Center

Robert Maldonado, The Ethics of Reading the Bible

Robert Maldonado will explore the layers of meaning found in ancient scriptures. He will raise questions about the significance of religious texts and the value we place upon them. His theme is how the way we read influences the value we get out of our texts.

Robert Maldonado has a Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union. He is the former Chair of the Philosophy Department at Fresno State, an expert on the Gospel of Mark, and a serious origamist.

Sponsored by The Ethics Center at Fresno State
For more information contact Andrew Fiala:
Or check the Ethics Center's website: