Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"The Folk Traditions of Musa Dagh"

The California State University, Fresno Armenian Studies Program and Musa Dagh Compatriotic Union presents "The Folk Traditions of Musa Dagh" by Sona Zeitlian

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
University Business Center * Alice Peters Auditorium

The Folk Traditions of Musa Dagh-The folktales are vehicles of age-old manners, customs and folk wisdom. As such, they are instruments for asserting cultural identity, based on shared experiences and values. The oral tradition has been central to the lives of Musa Daghtsis as a form of popular entertainment during festivals and especially as a means to while away the long winter nights. Its importance has waned as the living conditions have changed after the relocation of Musa Daghtsis to Anjar, Lebanon. Recording the oral tradition of Musa Daghtsis has convinced Zeitlian that at a time of cultural globalization through the internet and the international mass media, the folktales are more than ever valuable in preserving our traditions and national identity.

Free Admission * Call the A.S.P. at 278-2669 for more information.

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