Monday, October 12, 2009

Canary Effect

Date: Friday,October 16, 2009
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Place: McLane room 121

In Honor of Indigenous People’s Month

Canary Effect

Delving deep into the often misunderstood and frequently over looked historic realities of the American Indian, The Canary Effect follows the terrifying and horrific abuses instilled upon the Indigenous people of North America, and details the genocidal practices of the US Government and its continuing affects on present day Indian country. Featuring interviews with the leading scholars and experts on Indian issues including controversial author Ward Churchill, the film brings together the past and present in a way never before captured so eloquently and boldly on film. 63 minutes, Not Rated

Discussants: Hector Cerda, Michael Becker, Gretchen Cox (Big Sandy Rancheria), Loleta Garfield (Tule River Reservation)

For more information:
CineCulture Club:
Fresno Filmworks:

CineCulture is a film series provided as a service to the Fresno State campus students, faculty, and staff, and community, at no charge. In addition, CineCulture is offered as a 3 unit academic course in the Mass Communication and Journalism Department.

CineCulture Club promotes cultural awareness through film and post-screening discussions.

For further information, contact Professor Mary Husain at

Club President: Rory Carlberg
Faculty Advisor: Mary Husain

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