Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Summer 2010 Short Term Study Abroad Programs

A great opportunity to study abroad and earn some units. Check out these short-term travel studies. Make your deposits now so you are assured a space on any of these experiences. All study programs are led by our Fresno State faculty.

China: From Farm to Fork: Agricultural and Food Production Practices
AGEC 185 T - 3 units
May 29 - June 8, 2010
For information contact: Dr. Annette Levi
Email: Phone: 278-3040

Deposit of $700 is due February 16, 2010
Balance of $2,295 due April 16, 2010

Costa Rica: Spanish Language and Culture
Spanish 125 or Span 10 - 3 units
May 25 - June 9, 2010
For information contact: Dr. Isolina Sands
Email: Phone: 278-5112

Deposit of $500 is due to the extended date of February 19, 2010
Balance of $2,208 due March 22, 2010

Culture of Trinidad and Tobago
CFS 132T or Plant 170T or FSM 162T - 3 units
May 29 - June 8, 2010
For information contact: Dr. Sean Seepersad
Email: Phone: 278-3081

Deposit of $300 is due to the extended date of February 19, 2010
Balance of $2,800 due April 16, 2010.

Scholarships for some of these programs are available through the School or College as well as the Study Abroad and International Exchange Office
You must apply for scholarships.

Study Abroad Office: Family Food Science Room 111. Call 278-6452.

For details of the above and other programs visit our website at:

Salsa Anyone?

Come join the Fresno State Salsa Club this Friday for a night of dancing. No partner needed, all ages welcome!

Only $5 entry which includes a complimentary lesson and open dance until 10pm.


Date: Friday, February 19, 2010
Time: Lessons start 7:30 and open dance until 10 PM
Peters Building, Room 11


For more info please contact Adriana Mendoza at

"Armenian Identity and the Genocide"

The Armenian Studies Program cordially invites the campus community to a public lecture.

"Armenian Identity and the Genocide"

by Dr. Abraham Terian
The Eighth Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor of Armenian Studies

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010
Times: 6:30- reception (food and beverages) in the UBC Gallery
Place: UBC, Rm 191

Free and open to the public.

Defining identity in terms of uniqueness, this lecture probes through the history of the Armenian people for elements that gave their forebears a sense of identity. The lecture also will examine the extent to which the Genocide has become part of Armenian identity today.

Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator
Armenian Studies Program
5245 N. Backer Ave. PB4
Fresno CA 93740-8001

ASP Office: 559-278-2669
Office: 559-278-4930
FAX: 559-278-2129

Visit the ASP Website: