Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Honors Program

The College of Arts and Humanities Honors Program is designed to provide upper division students with outstanding scholarly and creative achievements the opportunity for advanced interdisciplinary studies and interaction with a community of their intellectual peers in Arts and Humanities and related disciplines. The program consists of at least 10-12 units of coursework, beginning with the Arts and Humanities Honors Seminar, AH 100H (3 units), usually taken in the second semester of the junior year. Each participating department will then provide courses or an independent study option for Honors students for the subsequent two semesters of the senior year, culminating in the student’s completion of a research/creative project. A one-unit Honors Symposium, AH 101 H, will serve as the culmination experience for students to complete, present and discuss their research/creative projects. This program will encourage students to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries through discussion with faculty and fellow students in different departments and to work closely with faculty towards the completion of a research or creative project of the student’s choice.

Criteria for Application Into the Honors Program

  • Cumulative G.P.A. of 3.5 (in last 60 units).
  • Completed at least one semester in residence.
  • A maximum 1,000-word typed statement explaining the significance of your discipline and your own possible research/creative endeavor either in your life or in society.
  • A letter of recommendation/nomination from a Fresno State faculty member who is willing to serve as your mentor/advisor for the Honors thesis/project.
  • Copy of your transcript.

Criteria for Continuance and Completion of the Honors Program

  • Maintain a minimum 3.5 cumulative G.P.A.
  • Grade of A in AH100 H
  • Grade of A in AH 101 H
  • Completion of Honors Project/Thesis
  • Notify instructors of courses listed in approved honors program that you are using the course to fulfill CAH Honors Program requirements and that you are expected to complete honors level work for their course.

Benefits to the Students in the Arts and Humanities Honors Program

  • Graduate with Honors Cord and Medallion
  • Recognition during the Arts and Humanities Convocation
  • Designation of graduating with Honors in Arts and Humanities on the diploma
  • Free admission to the University Lecture Series and Arts and Humanities Lecture Series and other A & H performances for the First Honors Seminar
    Optional attendance in the Smittcamp Honors Colloquium
  • Honors library privileges

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