Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Armenian Studies Program Presents: "Disappearing Armenian Monasteries in Turkey: The Lake Van Basin" by Ara Sarafian

Thursday, September 20-7:30 PM
University Business Center, Peters Auditorium, Rm. 191

Ara Sarafian is a historian by training and the director of the Gomidas Institute in London . He has been working in Turkey-including the Lake Van region-for over twenty years.

This powerpoint presentation by historian Ara Sarafian will present the results of a special survey the Gomidas Institute carried out within 40 kilometers of Aghtamar island in October 2006. The survey located 12 ancient Armenian monasteries that were still functioning in this region on the eve of WWI, and it recorded their current state. According to this survey, the condition of these monasteries varied from those that have completely destroyed, to those that are still standing on their last legs.

As part of this survey, Sarafian will also discuss what steps might be taken to help the preservation of the remaining structures today. According to the speaker, it is still possible to preserve what remains of Armenian art and architecture in this region. It is a matter of adequate organization and resources.

In his talk, Sarafian will present a photographic record of the different churches and monasteries, and he will discuss the possibilities of working in Turkey today.

Barlow Der Mugrdechian
Armenian Studies Program
5245 N Backer Ave PB4
Fresno , CA 93740-8001

ASP Office: 559-278-2669

Office: 559-278-4930
FAX: 559-278-2129

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